The purpose of the nonprofit organization American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin of Sacramento Area is to maintain the identity of physicians of Indian heritage residing in the Sacramento area of California, United States of America and to provide a forum for the enhancement of scientific, educational,professional, ethnic, cultural, charitable and social interaction among its members.



  • The name of the association shall be the AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF PHYSICIANS OF INDIAN ORIGIN OF SACRAMENTO AREA, herein referred to as the AAPI of Sacramento area.
  • In near future it shall maintain its office in the place as designated by the Governing body.



  1. To bring together physicians of Indian heritage practicing in the Sacramento area under one organization.
  2. The Association is organized exclusively for scientific, educational, cultural, social and charitable purposes.
  3. To conduct seminars and other educational programs to acquaint members of scientific developments in the field of human medicine.
  4. To make contributions to organizations that qualify as exempt organizations under Section 501(c) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law.
  5. To provide mutual understanding and cooperation between this association and National AAPI and other associations in the United States and India with similar interests and values.
  6. To maintain a directory of physicians of Indian origin.
  7. To provide other member services as needed, as decided by the Governing Body.



Section 3.1


Membership shall be open to any physician or student /trainee/ interns/residents or fellows in Medicine in the United States of Indian origin or heritage or by lawful marriage residing as primary residence in the Greater  Sacramento area, United States.

The Greater Sacramento area is composed of seven counties, two metropolitan statistical areas and one micropolitan area. The following counties are located in the Greater Sacramento area:

El Dorado County, California

Nevada County, California

Placer County, California

Sacramento County, California

Sutter County, California

Yolo County, California

Yuba County, California

El Dorado, Placer, Sacramento, and Yolo counties compose the Sacramento–Roseville-Folsom, California, Metropolitan Statistical Area. Sutter and Yuba counties compose the Yuba City Metropolitan Statistical Area, known as the Yuba–Sutter area. Nevada County composes the Truckee–Grass Valley Micropolitan Area.

Residential proof can be having rented or purchased real estate in the name of a member and having a utility bill in California  state. This residence proof should be listed as primary residence.
Incase of any false information submitted, the board has the right to terminate membership.

Physicians participating as members of other secular Indian physician organizations locally or neighboring areas are not allowed to be members to avoid multiple memberships in sister organizations. Participation in National Indian Physician organizations such as AAPI USA  is encouraged.

Section 3.2

A. Voting

a:Active Members– holding an active United States Medical License.

b:Retired members-who held  United States Medical License in past with good standing

  1. Medical Student/Trainee Member (MST):Medical Students, Trainee Interns, Residents, or Fellows in approved training program in the USA. They will be non-paying and non-voting members.
  2. C. Other members: The Governing Body may from time to time create special categories as deemed necessary. The eligibility, dues and qualification for membership, and the manner of admission into membership shall be prescribed by resolutions, duly adopted by the Governing body.



Any person or an Association of persons may attain membership in the AAPI Sac provided that the applicant:

  1. Subscribes to the objectives of AAPI Sacramento, abides by Bylaws, rules and regulations, pays the prescribed fees and dues, and submits an application in the prescribed form.
  2. Receives the approval of application for membership by the Governing Body by a majority vote.
  3. Holds a valid professional license in his/her respective field or a retired physician with good moral standing in the community.
  4. Any health condition or mental condition/psychiatric illness and not mentally fit to participate and understand responsibilities as a member in organization , such physicians will not be offered membership.Such resolutions adopted by the Governing Body may prescribe, with respect to all members, the amount and manner of imposing and collecting any initiation fees, dues or other fees assessments, fines and penalties, the manner of suspension or termination of membership and reinstatement of membership and the rights, liabilities and other incidents of membership. A member may be expelled from the Association for failure to abide by the By-Laws, all rules and regulations prescribed there under or for the acts which are detrimental to the best interest of the Association. If the physician’s license is terminated, the AAPI Sacramento membership will be terminated as well.



Membership may be revoked if the individual member violates the Constitution or Bylaws of AAPI Sacramento.

Revocation proceedings shall be initiated by the President with approval from the Governing Body. Governing body has the right to decide regarding membership by majority  vote.  Incase of a tie, the President has the right to be a tie breaker.

Also, the President, with the approval of the Governing Body, may  appoint a hearing committee which shall conduct an investigation and then issue a recommendation to the president and the Governing Body.The Governing Body must vote to accept or reject the hearing committee’s recommendation with majority.

The Governing Body may not take action against a member without giving the member adequate notice and an opportunity to be heard. The notice shall be in writing or email and delivered at least fourteen days prior to the hearing. However, shorter notices may be deemed adequate if the Governing Body determines the need for a timely hearing outweighs the prejudice caused to the member and if a statement of the need for a timely hearing is included in the notice. Notice can be either email or hard copy mail.If mailed, the notice shall be sent registered or certified mail, return receipt requested.



Any member can resign from the Corporation by submitting a written or email resignation to the governing body.



A former member may submit a written one- email request for reinstatement of membership. The Governing Body may reinstate membership on any reasonable terms that they deem appropriate. If membership has lapsed due to non-payment of dues, it can be reinstated after payment of accrued dues and will be prorated for the year.


Organization of the Corporation

The Corporation shall be made up of the General Body and the Governing Body.

 General Body

The General Body shall consist of all paying and voting members.

General Body Meeting

  1. The General Body of AAPI Sac shall meet at least once a year. The President shall have the power to call additional General Body meetings.

B. All members shall be notified of all General Body meetings at least 30 days before each General Body meeting by mail or email or post on social media             group chat.

At the General Body Meetings, those members present and eligible to vote may conduct the business of the General Body.


Governing body includes Executive committee and board of trustees

 Executive Committee

The Executive Committee is the main deliberative body for the policies of the Association and shall provide leadership.

  1. The Executive Committee of AAPI Sac shall consist of President, Chair, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Officer of Communications.
  2. Term of all officers for first initial serving committee will be 4 years from the date of approval of Articles of Incorporation of Organization to ensure stability as AAPI of Sacramento is starting as a new organization.

     C.The subsequent term for the Executive Committee will be 2 years.

  1. The Governing body(including Executive committee and board of trustees)shall meet not less than 4 times per year.
  2. A quorum for any meeting of the Governing body shall consist of more than 50% of the members of the Governing body, eligible to vote at such meetings.
  3. The president is empowered by the Governing body to cast the tie breaking vote should there not be a majority vote.

     G.Four founding members have earned roles to serve as either governing body or executive member role for the initial 10 years to ensure       stability of the organization.

  1. If any Governing body member misses more than 50% of meetings, or is not contributing to the mission of the organization , the rest of the Governing body has the right to notify and terminate their role by majority voting.
  2. One week notice should be given for Governing body meetings except in emergency situations.

     J.Governing body should have a minimum 5 to maximum 13 governing body members.

If any Governing body member voluntarily resigns or his/her rights are terminated, Governing body has the right to appoint a new Governing body member but in that case their time period of service shall constitute the remaining time period of service. In case there is no one appointed to fill the vacant position,  the Governing body shall function with remaining Governing body members. Governing body will be the custodian of all the assets of AAPI of Sacramento and will be the caretaker body at the time of dissolution.

Board of Trustees:includes members in the Governing body besides Executive Committee members.

The Board of trustees  shall serve the AAPI of Sacramento  in an advisory capacity and keep residual authority of ensuring its fiscal welfare and stability.

Once founding members are not serving, the founding members have the right to request to update  information for the organization pertaining to new officers and  Executive Committee members to California State.

Executive committee and board of trustees should not serve more than 2 consecutive terms except the founding members.Past president is automatically appointed as board of trustee.In exceptional situations when there is no suitable candidate, Governing body may decide whether to reappoint previously serving candidates.

A quorum for any meeting of the Governing body shall consist of more than 50% of the Governing body members eligible to vote at such meeting.

The president is empowered by the Governing body  to cast the tie breaking vote should there not be a majority vote.

If a Governing body member misses more than 50 % of meetings or there is a lack of contribution to the mission  of the Organization, in that case the Governing body can decide regarding termination of Governing body members.

The President or Chair can call an emergency meeting incase of legitimate reason. Governing body participation is expected.For emergency meetings, Governing body members who are out of the country are excused.

Governing body members who are not able to fully participate for more than 50 % of the length of stipulated meetings should not mark their attendance. They can still provide suggestions about their opinion though by messaging or email.


Chairperson is overall leader for the Board of Trustees and leads the Governing body along with the President.


  • The President shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Association and shall perform all duties incident to the office of the President and such other duties as may be designated by the Governing Body. He/She shall preside at all meetings of AAPISacramento, Governing Body and the General Body. He/She shall make such appointments as are required or authorized by the Constitution and by the Governing Body.
  • He/She may sign with the Secretary and Chair or any other proper officer of the Association authorized by the Governing Body, any deeds, mortgages, bonds, contracts, or other instruments which the Governing Body has authorized to be executed, except in the cases where the signing and execution thereof shall be expressly delegated by the Governing Body to some other agent of the Association. He/She shall designate all official delegates and representatives to other groups; He/She shall appoint such special and Ad Hoc Committees as may be necessary to further the Association’s objectives and he/she may discontinue any such committees when its purpose has been served, in consultation with the Executive Committee.

Vice President

  • The Vice President shall perform the duties of the President in his/her absence and shall assist the President and the Secretary as needed. He/She shall succeed the President to the office of the President if the President is unable to complete his/her term for any reasons if the Governing body agrees to it.


The Secretary shall:

  1. Keep an account of all the minutes of all meetings.
  2. Maintain an updated list of all members of the AAPISacramento.
  3. Issue an agenda of all regular and special meetings after consultation with the Governing Body.
  4. Keep a copy of all official correspondences of and to the organization, including newsletters, and program brochures for the activities of the organization and reports submitted by the committee’s chairperson.
  5. Keep an attendance record of all meetings of the organization.
  6. Be the custodian of the Constitution, Bylaws and amendments of the organization.
  7. Notify Committee members of their appointment and duties they are to perform.
  8. Shall see that all books, reports, statements, certificates, and other documents and records required by law are properly kept and filed.
  9. Shall perform such other duties , and exercise such other powers as may be assigned by the Governing Body in the same capacity.
  10. Be a member of the Executive Committee in the same capacity.
  11. Be responsible for transferring all the records of the organization within 90 days after the Annual General Body meeting, to the incoming Secretary.


The Treasurer shall:

  1. Be responsible for issuing notices and collection of annual dues, and deposit the same in such banks or trust companies as the Governing Body may designate.
  2. Be in charge of all the accounts of AAPI Sacramento.
  3. Have custody of all the receipts and disbursements which shall be open at all reasonable times to inspection by the Governing Body.
  4. Submit a financial report to the Governing Body at its annual meeting and regularly held Executive meetings.
  5. Perform such other duties and exercise such other powers and duties incident to the office of Treasurer and may be assigned by the Governing Body as required by law.
  6. Transfer to the next Treasurer within 30 days of the assumption of office by the latter, all accounts of AAPI of Sacramento.
  7. File all tax returns with the Internal Revenue Service for the year in which the office was held (with the assistance of professional tax consultants designated by the Governing Body).

Officer of Communications

Officer is responsible for all communications with the members, whether phone, email, social media or hard copy mail.



The Governing Body is the only deliberative body for the policies of the Association and discharges the responsibility of the General Body.

(a) Membership revocation

(b) Impeachment

(c) Amendment of Bylaws

(d) Financial Governance,  and

(e) any action(s) including an affiliation with any other organization that may result in financial and/or legal consequences for the Association.


Governance of the AAPI Sac: Financial


To begin with, AAPI Sac may start with one financial account and plan in future  to maintain additional accounts as needed as per decision by the Governing body. Minimum 3 Governing body members including treasurer should be jointly holding accounts.


Checks, notes, draft and demands for money shall be signed by the chairman of the Governing body,Treasurer or President.

  1. Budget: All AAPI Sac activity shall be planned in accordance with the budget. The Treasurer shall prepare the annual budget and provide the same to the Association.
    B. No officer or member of the AAPI Sac shall be allowed to provide personal loans to the AAPI Sacramento or use their personal funds including but not limited to transactions by credit card or personal check except finances spent initially as SEED money contribution for initial expenses needed for establishing AAPI of Sacramento area organization and in certain circumstances, such an expense for AAPI Sacramento activities, once approved by the Governing body, such reimbursable funds should be reimbursed. For reimbursement, itemized receipts of expenses must be provided to the treasurer and are available to share with the Board of Trustees.
  2. Reports:
    Financial statements including annual reports of revenue and expenses shall be prepared by an independent certified public accountant (CPA) as designated by the Board of Trustees. The Treasurer shall ensure that financial data are made available to the CPA in a timely fashion for preparation of such reports.



Determination of Annual Dues

Initial registration and Annual dues will be determined by the Governing Body and approved by the General Body during the Annual Meeting. Meeting dues may be adjusted on a periodic basis by the Governing Body to serve the needs of AAPI Sac and the same shall be executed upon approval by the General Body. Also lifetime membership will be added in near future once approved by the Governing body.

Student /Trainee members will not be required to pay dues and shall not have any vote. They will be assessed a nominal fee to attend events as determined by the Governing Body.
Due Date

Annual membership fees will be due by date decided by Governing body


Restrictions And Dissolution
Section 8.1 Restrictions

No part of the net earning or the assets of the Association shall be used for the benefit of or be distributable to its members, officers or other private persons except that the Association shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the purposes set forth in Article on Objectives hereof. The Association shall not carry on any activities nor be permitted.

  • By a corporation exempt from Federal Income Tax under Section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Law or
  • By a corporation, contributions to which are deductible under Section 170 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law.


Section 8.2 Dissolution

Upon the dissolution of the Association, the Board of Trustees shall, after paying or making provisions for the payment of all the liabilities to the Association, dispose of all the assets of the Association exclusively for the purposes of the Association in such manner or to such organizations organized exclusively for charitable, religious, cultural or scientific purposes as shall at the time qualify as an exempt organization or organizations under Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law as the Executive Committee and Board of Trustees shall determine. Any of such assets not so disposed of shall be disposed of by the court of appropriate jurisdiction of the State in which the principal office of the Association is then located, exclusively for such purposes or to such organization or organizations as said court shall determine to be organized and operated exclusively for such purposes. Founding members have the right to notify the State of California and update information.



Election Committee

  • The Chairman of Board of Trustees shall appoint an Election Committee consisting of four members as follows:
    Chairperson of the Governing body or Officer from the Executive committee.
    B. Two  current Board of Trustees or ex Board of Trustees elected by the current  Board of Trustees.
    C. A member in good standing elected by the Board of Trustees.
    The Chairperson of the Governing body or Officer from the Executive Committee shall be the Election Officer.

         Final decision is to be made as per agreement with the Governing body and the Election committee.

  • The Committee shall be charged with the responsibilities of conducting a free and fair election. The Chairperson/Officer and the members of the Election Committee shall expressly refrain from canvassing support or soliciting votes for individual candidates.
  • The Governing body must need candidates Dossier sharing candidates role to justify their role and experience, contribution to mission and goals of the AAPI of Sacramento organization to support candidature. Governing body will meet and discuss and decide the candidature of the candidate.
  • Final selection is based on candidate statements to support and justify their role for the proposed role in the Executive committee and Governing body and also on members’ election. Current Governing  body will make final selection of candidates based on their candidature, merits and election results.  Election result itself does not support candidate selection.



In the near future Governing body shall appoint the following standing committees as needed and decided by Board of trustees:

  1. Membership Committee
  2. Bylaws Committee
  3. Nomination Committee
  4. CME and Newsletter Committee
  5. Cultural Committee
  6. Community Affairs Committee
  7. Liaison Committee
  8. Finance Committee
  9. Youth volunteering Committee
  10. Social media Committee

    The Chairperson of each Committee shall be appointed by the President/Chair after approval of the Governing Body during the first meeting held following the elections. The term of office of each Committee Chairperson will be decided by the Governing body. It can be renewed by re-appointment by the Governing Body.

         Members of each standing committee will be recommended by the Chairperson of the committee and appointed by the President                 and Chair Governing body.


Robert's Rules Of Order

Except as otherwise herein expressly provided, all matters of procedure shall be governed by Roberts Rules of Order, revised, as the same shall, from time to time, be revised and amended.



The Corporation shall indemnify each of its agents against expenses, judgments, fines, settlements, and other amounts actually and reasonably incurred by such persons by reason of his or her having been made or having been threatened to be made a party to and proceeding to the fullest extent permissible as provided in Section 317 of the Code. The Corporation shall advance any expenses, reasonably expected to be incurred by the agent in defending any such proceeding upon receipt of the undertaking required by Subdivision (f) of Section 317 aforesaid.


For purpose of this Article 12,


means any person who is or was a Trustee, Officer, employee, or other agent of the Corporation, or is or was serving at the request of the Corporation as a Trustee, Officer, employee, or agent of another foreign or domestic corporation, partnership, joint venture, trust, or other enterprise, or was a Trustee, Officer, employee, or agent of a foreign or domestic corporation that was a predecessor corporation of the Corporation or of another enterprise at the request of the predecessor corporation;


means any threatened, pending, or completed action or proceeding, whether civil, criminal, administrative, or investigative; and


includes, without limitation, all attorneys’ fees, costs, and any other expenses reasonably incurred in the defense of any claims or proceedings against an Agent by reason of his or her position or relationship as Agent and all attorneys’ fees, costs, and other expenses reasonably incurred in establishing a right to indemnification under this Article 12.

Section 12.2 Applicability of Indemnification Provisions

12.2.1 Successful Defense by Agent

To the extent that an Agent has been successful on the merits in the defense of any proceeding referred to in this Article 12, or in the defense of any claim, issue, or matter therein, the Agent shall be indemnified against expenses actually and reasonably incurred by the Agent in connection with the claim.

12.2.2 Settlement or Unsuccessful Defense by Agent

If an Agent either settles any proceeding referred to in this Article 12, or any claim, issue, or matter therein, or sustains a judgment rendered against him, then the provisions of Section 12.3 through Section 12.6 shall determine whether the Agent is entitled to indemnification.

Section 12.3 Actions Brought by Persons Other than the Corporation

This Section 12.3 applies to any proceeding other than an action “by or on behalf of the corporation” as defined in Section 12.4. Such proceedings that are not brought by or on behalf of the Corporation are referred to in this Section 12.3 as “Third Party proceedings.”

12.3.1 Scope of Indemnification in Third Party Proceedings

Subject to the required findings to be made pursuant to Section 12.3.2, the Corporation shall indemnify any person who was or is a party, or is threatened to be made a party, to any Third Party proceeding, by reason of the fact that such person is or was an Agent, for all expenses, judgments, fines, settlements, and other amounts actually and reasonably incurred in connection with the proceeding.

12.3.2 Required Standard of Conduct for Indemnification in Third Party Proceedings

Any indemnification granted to an Agent in Section 12.3.1 above is conditioned on the following. The Governing Body must determine, in the manner provided in Section 12.5, that the Agent seeking reimbursement acted in good faith, in a manner he or she reasonably believed to be in the best interest of the Corporation, and, in the case of a criminal proceeding, he or she must have had no reasonable cause to believe that his or her conduct was unlawful. The termination of any proceeding by judgment, order, settlement, conviction, or on a plea of nolo contendere or its equivalent shall not, of itself, create a presumption that the person did not act in good faith or in a manner he or she reasonably believed to be in the best interest of the Corporation or that he or she had reasonable cause to believe that his or her conduct was unlawful.

Section 12.4 Action Brought By or On Behalf Of the Corporation

This Section 12.4 applies to any proceeding brought (i) by or in the right of the Corporation, or (ii) by an Officer, Trustee or person granted relator status by the Attorney General, or by the Attorney General, on the ground that the defendant Trustee was or is engaging in self-dealing within the meaning of section 5233 of the California Nonprofit Corporation Law, or (iii) by the Attorney General or person granted relator status by the Attorney General for any breach of duty relating to assets held in charitable trust (any such proceeding is referred to in these Bylaws as a proceeding “by or on behalf of the Corporation”).

12.4.1 Scope of Indemnification in Proceeding By or On Behalf Of the Corporation

Subject to the required findings to be made pursuant to Section 12.4.2, and except as provided in Sections 12.4.3 and 12.4.4, the Corporation may indemnify any person who was or is a party, or is threatened to be made a party, to any proceeding by or on behalf of the Corporation, by reason of the fact that such person is or was an Agent, for all expenses actually and reasonably incurred in connection with the defense or settlement of such action.

12.4.2 Required Standard of Conduct for Indemnification in Proceeding By or On Behalf Of the Corporation

Any indemnification granted to an Agent in Section 12.4.1 is conditioned on the following. The Governing Body must determine, in the manner provided in Section 13.5, that the Agent seeking reimbursement acted in good faith, in a manner he or she believed to be in the best interest of the Corporation and with such care, including reasonable inquiry, as an ordinarily prudent person in a like position would use under similar circumstances.

12.4.3 Claims Settled Out of Court

If any Agent settles or otherwise disposes of a threatened or pending action brought by or on behalf of the Corporation, with or without court approval, the Agent shall receive no indemnification for amounts paid pursuant to the terms of the settlement or other disposition. Also, in cases settled or otherwise disposed of without court approval, the Agent shall receive no indemnification for expenses reasonably incurred in defending against the proceeding, unless the proceeding is settled with the approval of the Attorney General.

12.4.4 Claims and Suits Awarded Against Agent

If any Agent is adjudged to be liable to the Corporation in the performance of the Agent’s duty to the Corporation, the Agent shall receive no indemnification for amounts paid pursuant to the judgment, and any indemnification of such Agent under Section 12.4.1 for expenses actually and reasonably incurred in connection with the defense of that action shall be made only if both of the following conditions are met:

(a) The determination of good faith conduct required by Section 12.4.2 must be made in the manner provided for in Section 12.5; and

(b) Upon application, the court in which the action was brought must determine that, in view of all of the circumstances of the case, the Agent is fairly and reasonably entitled to indemnity for the expenses incurred. If the Agent is found to be so entitled, the court shall determine the appropriate amount of expenses to be reimbursed.

Section 12.5 Determination of Agent’s Good Faith Conduct

The indemnification granted to an Agent in Section 12.3 and Section 12.4 is conditioned on the findings required by those Sections being made by:

(a) the Governing Body by a majority vote of a quorum members of the Governing Body who are not parties to the proceeding; or

(b) the court in which the proceeding is or was pending. Such determination may be made on application brought by the Corporation or the Agent or the attorney or other person rendering a defense to the Agent, whether or not the application by the Agent, attorney, or other person is opposed by the Corporation.

Section 12.6 Limitations

No indemnification or advance shall be made under this Article 12, except as provided in Section 12.2.1 or Section 12.5(b), in any circumstances when it appears:

(a) that the indemnification or advance would be inconsistent with a provision of the Articles of Incorporation, as amended, or an agreement in effect at the time of the accrual of the alleged cause of action asserted in the proceeding in which the expenses were incurred or other amounts were paid, which prohibits or otherwise limits indemnification; or

(b) that the indemnification would be inconsistent with any condition expressly imposed by a court in approving a settlement.

Section 12.7 Advance of Expenses

Expenses incurred in defending any proceeding may be advanced by the Corporation before the final disposition of the proceeding on receipt of an undertaking by or on behalf of the Agent to repay the amount of the advance unless it is determined ultimately that the Agent is entitled to be indemnified as authorized in this Article 12.

Section 12.8 Insurance

The Governing Body may adopt a resolution authorizing the purchase and maintenance of insurance on behalf of any Agent, as defined in this Article 12, against any liability asserted against or incurred by any Agent in such capacity or arising out of the Agent’s status as such, whether or not the Corporation would have the power to indemnify the Agent against the liability under the provisions of this Article 12.


Social media

Based on the Governing body decision, social media such as whatsapp, facebook or twitter will be created.

Goal is for communication in a respectful manner. Any hurtful posts will be deleted. Members not abiding by rules might lose membership. Pictures can be posted on social media. If any member does not prefer to be in pictures, needs to notify in advance.

A subcommittee might be created to manage social media.


Conflicts of Interest

Section 14.1 Disclosure

When a Trustee or an officer is affiliated with an organization seeking to provide services or facilities to AAPI Sac, or when a Director or officer has any duality of interest or possible conflict of interest, real or apparent, such affiliation or conflict of interest should be disclosed to the Governing Body and made a matter of record, either when the interest becomes a matter of Body action or as part of a periodic procedure to be established by the Body. An affiliation with an organization will be considered to exist when a Governing Board member or officer or a member of his or her immediate family or close relative is an officer, Director, partner, employee or agent of the organization, or has any other substantial interest or dealings with the organization.

Section  14.2 Voting

Any Trustee or officer having a duality of interest or possible conflict of interest on any matter should not vote or use his or her personal influence on the matter, and should not be counted in determining a quorum for the meeting at which the matter is voted upon, even though permitted by law. The Body should obtain and rely on appropriate comparability data, when appropriate. The minutes of the meeting should reflect that the disclosure was made, that the interested Trustee or officer abstained from voting, that his or her presence was not counted in determining a quorum, and that comparability data was considered and used as a basis for the decision.

Section 14.3 Statement of Position

The foregoing requirements should not be construed to prevent a Trustee or officer from stating his or her position on the matter under consideration, nor from answering questions of other Body members relating to the matter.


AAPI of Sacramento shall purchase insurance to protect the organization and its officers including but not limited to General liability, officers insurance and event insurance.


Founding members:

Dr Rashmi Verma, Dr Sandeep Mittal,Dr Divya Aggarwal and Dr Suneet Verma

Governing Body includes Executive Committee and Board of Trustees

Executive Committee Members:

Dr Rashmi Verma, Dr Gurvinder Shaheed, Dr Divya Aggarwal, Dr Mithlesh Sharma,Dr Mehak Gulati

Board of Trustees:

Chair: Dr Sandeep Mittal,

Dr Shiv Pawar,Dr Harsha Rao,Dr Laksmi Nagaraju, Dr Bhavin Parikh, Dr Uma Gowda, Dr Suneet Verma